This is the most important part! Watering will help establish your planting and produce better results. For the first few weeks, daily watering is recommended. Bamboo likes about 1″ of water/week; supplement rainfall as needed!
Ever wondered what those three numbers on fertilizers mean? The first one is nitrogen. This is the element needed for growth. The second is phosphorus, which has do do with the transfer of carbohydrates and the storage of nourishment in the rhizomes. The last number is potassium, necessary for photosynthesis. Bamboo likes lots of nitrogen. Look for a fertilizer in the neighborhood of 15-5-10 or 18-5-12.
If you prefer organic fertilizers, horse manure, mushroom compost and chicken poop are all good options.
For the best results, you will want to fertilize your bamboo twice a year, at the beginning of spring and around mid-summer, in the middle of the growing season.
Bamboo likes to be mulched, so go ahead and leave any fallen leaves on the ground.
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